Friday, October 8, 2010

Africa's Historic past told by buildings, monuments, landmarks, and artwork part 2

In this second part of the article we look at the East and North East African countries. The countries of East and North East Africa include, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. Ethiopia was the only country in the south of Sahara Africa that was never colonised. For this reason much of its History has been left intact.

Gondar -Ethiopia: The city of Gondar is in the north of Lake Tana, in Ethiopia. The city was founded by emperor Fasilidie about 1635 and was the capital city of Ethiopia until 1855. Emperor Fasilidie reigned from 1632-1667. He is said to have restored the power of Ethiopian Orthodox church by suppressing Roman Catholic institutions. He is credited to have mounted major building campaigns which includes a number of churches, his castle and seven stone bridges.

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