Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Things about Gaddafi that the Western Media will never tell you about

The Western media has demonized Gaddafi to a point that what most people know about him is that he is a "terrorist" and a monstrous dictator. This by the way is how any leader of the so called third world countries who shows independence of thought and resist Western control of their country is treated.

This has been more so in Africa where the West has done everything to ensure that Africans do not liberate themselves from the shackles of imperialism and start focusing on their own needs than those of the imperialist. People judge Africa by what they see and on the propaganda perpetuated by the same Western media without understanding the real powers behind the events that happen in Africa.

While it is true that Gaddafi has made many mistakes during his leadership, which he should be accounted for, it is also true that Gaddafi has done a lot of good for Libya, Africa in general and even as concerns the Arab world. Those Western leaders who vilify him have done worse things for the world yet no one seems to hold them accountable for their deeds.

Gaddafi’s positives can only be appreciated by those who have been victims of the Western systems meddling in internal affairs of independent states at the expense of the common citizenry of the nations.

1) Gaddafi on getting to power adopted an independent foreign policy as well independent internal policies. This has continuously aggravated the West because they prefer puppets who can do their bid. When international issues crop up, the West always blackmail African leaders, to support their view, which most of them do as a means of survival. Gaddafi on the other hand would not succumb to such Western tactics and would act on what he felt was right without consulting the West first. If he was wrong in his decisions, at least it was his choice not some arm twisting by the West.
2) The Arab world and other oil nations should be thankful to Gaddafi because it as a result of him that the West pays a reasonable price for their oil. Most African countries have their resources benefiting the West than their people because of the policies that the West pushes on them. When Gaddafi took power in Libya in 1969, a barrel of oil was only 40 cents (USA currency). He went on a crusade for the Arab world to withhold selling oil to the West unless the West paid more for it. The results were that the price of oil went to about $20 a barrel. In 1973, as a result of the Arab -Israel war the oil price went up to $ 40 a barrel. Most of the puppet Arab nations opposing Gaddafi have amassed their wealth in part because of Gaddafi’s efforts to fight exploitation by the West.

Read more: http://trifter.com/africa/things-about-gaddafi-that-the-western-media-will-never-tell-you-about/#ixzz1JNaI5NPL

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