Friday, October 8, 2010

The African and His fight for survival

Before the 15th century, skin color was considered a natural thing and taken for granted. Around the 15th century sinister attributes were introduced to skin color. Everything white started being symbolized as European and Christian and was perceived as good and superior and everything black symbolized the African and non-Christian and was perceived as bad and inferior. The continent of Africa was also labelled the dark continent.

Due to this stigmatization, prejudice based on skin color became a justification for brutality and hatred and racism towards the African. This is where sentiments like “the black sheep”, black magic, associated with Africa emanated from. In further trying to justify the inferiority of the “black African” the area south of the Sahara is categorized as sub- Saharan Africa which according to Owen Alik Shahadah has racist overtones:

“Sub-Saharan Africa is a racist byword for “primitive”, a place which has escaped advancement. Hence, we see statements like “no written languages exist in Sub-Saharan Africa.” “Ancient Egypt was not a Sub-Saharan African civilization.” Sub-Sahara serves as an exclusion, which moves, jumps and slides around to suit negative generalization of Africa” ( Shahadah, Owen Alik, Liguistic for a New African Reality).

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