Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How the Western Media conspire in the Global evil

Many times news is peddled in a way that communicates a message that influences how people think or react. More and more it is becoming very clear that the Western media is the intrument that is used to peddle lies as truths to the unsuspecting public.

Unfortunately the majority of the public have a for along time looked at the media as a god who told them who they were, how to think, who to hate, who to love, and why they should support the evil committed by their governments against others.

In 2001, a Kenyan journalist by the name of Philip Ochieng articulated this issue very well in an article he wrote. In the article titled “ How Western media connive in global evil” Ochieng discusses how different news media like the Time magazine created stories or distorted facts to portray “only the narrowest corporate American subjectivism”.

Churned Lies

The media, it is becoming clear, has always been a willing partner of the government to misinform the public in wars that the government engages in or intends to engage in. Some of the vilest lies were told during the Angolan crisis during which correspondents such as David Lamb and Sanford Ungar churned the vilest lies about “Soviet, Cuban and East Germany mischief”. It was shocking therefore for Henry Kissinger, the then USA secretary of State (1973-1977), to finally admit that AP and UPI news media had willingly used CIA agents as correspondents.

Apparently during the Falklands wars, the British Defense Ministry persuaded journalists to sign a documents requiring them “to submit all dispatchers to a censor”. Israel did the same thing with its media in its assault of Beirut in 1982. The worst for this writer however is what the media did after the so called 911 event. CNN showed a footage of Palestinians it said were rejoicing over the 911 tragedy.

It turns out that the footage used had been taken during a different event in 1991, ten years before the events of 911. The journalists involved justified the cruel lie on the basis of “national duty”. They only admitted that it “was mildly embarrassing”, perhaps because they were caught?

Read more: http://newsflavor.com/world/middle-east/how-the-western-media-conspire-in-the-global-evil/#ixzz1LyGtcuas

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