The media is the greatest tool that the world has today in influencing ideas and opinions, particularly, the electronic media. The media in one form or another is accessible to most people. It determines what is news and portray the news in a way that it would like people to think.
The western media has portrayed the African continent as backwards and inferior in every aspect and the only thing worth of Africa are the animals. Most of the public in the Western world associate Africa only with poverty, disease and animals. Some think that Africa is one big jungle and that Africans live with the wild ones, like Tarzan in the famous Tarzan movie.
Contrast this view with the way the western world is portrayed to the African by the same media. Most peoples' knowledge is limited to what they read or see in the media. It is almost like there is a consensus in the Western media on how to report on Africa. Good things happening in Africa is not news, but a continuous report about calamities, diseases and poverty is acceptable news. This I believe is intentional.
As long as Africa is humiliated and portrayed as incapable of fending for herslef, then it justify her being depenedant on others. It creates an image of Africa as an inferior continent to the rest of the world and therefore incapable of managing her heritage. This, it is submitted leads to foreign occupation and a rape of Africa's resources by others on the pretence that they are "helping" Africa.
The writer who is from Africa takes it upon herself to reveal the other side of Africa that is unknown. This is done with the hope of changing thinking or perception. This is a link with different pictures of Kenya giving a compelete picture. The slums that the West glorifies are also in the pictures but so are the other building that are hidden to the world.
The writer is from Kenya and therefore uses more Kenya's examples as she has first hand information and experience. With this regard, the writer refers you to a world focus report of Nairobi, Kenya which present another face of Africa.
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